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Want to quickly contribute to our FBOA Scholarship Fund from your PayPal account? Just click the Send button from the PayPal app on your phone and press the QR Code button at the top of the screen. Align the QR code below in the frame. You can choose an amount and add a note. Try it today!


Upcoming Meetings


Tuesday, March 25, 2025, Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School, 6:30 PM.

FBOA Dues Status

Below is a listing of all Fruit Belt Officials Association members whose dues are not listed as paid for 2021 - 22. If your name is in this list and you have paid your dues, please contact the treasurer, Dave Buck, immediately. Dues can be paid by clicking this link or by  using the Pay Dues link on the Global navigation bar at the top of the page.  You can also pay via cash or check directly to the treasurer. All members who have not paid their dues by the winter general meeting will be deleted from the membership list (this does not apply to new members).

UNPAID Dues for 21 - 22

Members who have not paid their dues for the 2021-22 school year are listed below. If you feel you are on the list below in error, please contact treasurer Dave Buck immediately.

Jerald Clark 710666